Device Independent

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What web can do: a mo­bile speech-​to-speech trans­la­tor

In the 70s and 80s, some peo­ple thought that you could soon travel the world with a portable com­puter, only the size of a back­pack, that would trans­late any spo­ken ut­ter­ance to any other lan­guage. Nowa­days, with the Google Trans­late App, you can eas­ily do this with any mo­bile de­vice. But is this also pos­si­ble using only HTML, CSS, and Javascript?

What web can do today

Yes­ter­day I tried to cre­ate a Pro­gres­sive Web App dis­play­ing an ar­ti­fi­cial hori­zon over a live cam­era view and was won­der­ing if this would be pos­si­ble with a mod­ern mo­bile web browser. Dur­ing the re­search, I stum­bled over sev­eral web­sites which you can use to test the hard­ware ca­pa­bil­i­ties and their soft­ware sup­port in web browsers and I wanted to share some links.
2020-04-17T17:49:51-04:00September 26, 2019|Device Independent, HTML5, Progressive Web App, PWA, Web Design, WebGL|
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