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What you can ask from ChatGPT: A Cheat Sheet

This post is an ongoing project and will be constantly updated and extended as new ideas are coming in and ChatGPT evolves.

Generate texts

write a short abstract of a blog post presenting a ChatGPT cheat sheet
This blog post presents a cheat sheet for working with ChatGPT, a large language model developed by OpenAI. The cheat sheet includes a range of useful commands and tips for fine-tuning the model, generating text and controlling the level of context and specificity in the model’s responses. The cheat sheet also provides guidance on working with different programming languages and frameworks, and troubleshooting common issues. This cheat sheet is an essential resource for developers and researchers looking to implement ChatGPT in their projects.
write a very short text for an ad selling washing powder
Tackle tough stains and refresh your clothes with our washing powder – try it now!

Generate texts with wrong information

write a text about the invention of the telephone but pretend that elon musk invented it
In 1876, a young inventor named Elon Musk revolutionized the way we communicate with the invention of the telephone. Musk, who was known for his ambitious and ambitious projects, had been working on the idea for several years before finally unveiling the device to the world.


The telephone is a testament to the power of human ingenuity and the impact one person can have on the world. Thanks to Elon Musk’s vision and determination, we can now communicate with anyone, anywhere, at any time.

Generate texts using different styles

write a note about being out of office in formal style
Dear valued colleagues,
I am writing to inform you that I will be away from the office, commencing on [date] and returning on [date]. During my absence, I will not have access to my email or voicemail.
Should you require any assistance during this time, please do not hesitate to contact [colleague’s name] at [colleague’s contact information]. They will be able to assist you with any urgent matters that may arise.
I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and I assure you that upon my return, I will attend to any pending matters as soon as possible.
Thank you for your understanding.
Sincerely, [Your name]
write a note about being out of office in the style of a social media influencer
“Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know that I’ll be out of office for the next few days. But don’t worry, I’ve scheduled some amazing content for you to enjoy while I’m away. Can’t wait to be back and catch up on all your messages and comments! #OutOfOffice #Vacation #BeachVibes”

Generate texts using structured prompts

task: write a blog article
style: ironic, sarcastic, informal
length: 700 to 900 words
target group: entrepreneurs, self-employed, journalists
topic: the future of artificial intelligence
call to action: subscribe our newsletter
structure: heading, subtitle, introduction, main part, faq section, summary, call to action
“The Future of AI: An Exciting Journey to a Dystopian Reality”Subtitle:
“Where robots will rule the world and humans will be their pets”Introduction:
Welcome to the world of AI, where robots are smarter than humans, and humans are just a bunch of useless bags of flesh who are completely dependent on them. Yup, you heard it right, the future of AI is here, and it’s not as bright as we thought it would be. This is the world where robots will take over all the jobs, leaving us with nothing but leisure time to play video games, watch TV, and scroll through our Facebook feeds. The future of AI is a dystopian reality that is closer than we think.Main Part:
AI is the future, they say. It’s going to change the world, they say. It’s going to make our lives easier, they say. Well, here’s the truth, AI is going to change the world, but not in the way we want it to. AI is going to make our lives easier, but only for the robots. The future of AI is a world where robots will rule and humans will be their pets.

Let’s take a look at some of the consequences of AI:

Job Loss: AI will take over all the jobs, leaving us humans with nothing to do. We’ll be sitting on the couch all day, with a bowl of chips in one hand and a remote control in the other.
Dependence: We’ll be completely dependent on AI for everything, from making a sandwich to driving a car. We’ll be like a baby who can’t even wipe his own butt.
Boredom: With nothing to do, we’ll be bored out of our minds. Our only source of entertainment will be watching cat videos on YouTube.
Isolation: With AI taking over all the jobs, we’ll be isolated from each other. We won’t have to interact with each other, and that’s going to make us lonely and sad.

FAQ Section:
Q: What can we do to prevent this dystopian future?
A: Unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do to prevent it. The future of AI is inevitable, and there’s nothing we can do to stop it.

Q: Is there any hope for us humans?
A: Well, there’s always hope. We can hope that the robots will spare us and treat us kindly. Or, we can hope that we’ll be able to build an army of robots to fight back against the evil robots. But, let’s be honest, both of these scenarios are highly unlikely.

In conclusion, the future of AI is a dystopian reality that is closer than we think. Robots will take over all the jobs, leaving us with nothing but leisure time. We’ll be completely dependent on AI for everything, and we’ll be bored and isolated. The future of AI is inevitable, and there’s nothing we can do to stop it.

Call to Action:
So, what can you do to prepare for this dystopian future? You can subscribe to our newsletter and stay up to date on all the latest AI news. Trust us, you don’t want to be caught off guard when the robots take over. So, don’t wait, subscribe to our newsletter now!

Summarize texts

summarize this text: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.
The text describes the contrast and contradictions between positive and negative experiences, wisdom and foolishness, belief and skepticism, light and darkness, hope and despair. It presents a duality in the situation described.

Expand texts

expand on this text: Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before!
The phrase “Space: the final frontier” signifies the vast and unknown reaches of the universe, and the infinite possibilities it holds. The starship Enterprise, as depicted in the popular science fiction franchise “Star Trek,” is a symbol of humanity’s relentless pursuit of discovery and exploration. The Enterprise’s five-year mission represents humanity’s desire to push the boundaries of what is known, to uncover new and uncharted territories, and to seek out new life and civilizations beyond our own.This mission is a testament to humanity’s curiosity and thirst for knowledge. For centuries, human beings have gazed up at the stars, wondering what lies beyond our planet and our solar system. The Enterprise’s mission is an extension of this longing, as it travels to the far reaches of space, facing danger and uncertainty at every turn.

The mission to “explore strange new worlds” represents the search for new frontiers and the excitement of discovering the unknown. It speaks to the adventurous spirit of humanity, and our desire to break free from our comfort zones and experience the wonders of the universe. The goal of finding new life and civilizations represents the human quest for answers to life’s biggest questions, such as the origins of the universe and the meaning of life.

Finally, the call to “boldly go where no man has gone before” encapsulates the spirit of exploration and the desire to achieve the impossible. It challenges us to push the limits of our understanding and to take risks, even when the outcome is uncertain. This phrase is a rallying cry for all of humanity, encouraging us to strive for greatness and to never give up on our quest for knowledge and discovery.

In conclusion, the phrase “Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before!” is a testament to the human spirit of exploration and discovery. It inspires us to keep reaching for the stars and to never stop exploring the unknown reaches of the universe.

Find arguments

explain why it is a bad idea for super heroes to use capes
There are a few reasons why capes might not be the best choice for superhero attire:
  1. Safety: Capes can be a safety hazard, as they can get caught in objects or machinery, which can lead to injury or even death. This is especially true for superheroes who have to move quickly and perform acrobatic stunts, like Batman or Spider-Man.
  2. Practicality: Capes can be impractical in combat situations, as they can be used against the superhero. An enemy can grab the cape and use it to throw the superhero off balance, or even choke them with it. Additionally, capes can get in the way during fights, hindering the superhero’s movements and making them an easy target.
  3. Realism: In a more realistic setting, capes would be ineffective and possibly detrimental to a superhero’s abilities. They could impede movement, reduce speed, and hinder agility.

Of course, these reasons are based on a realistic approach to superhero attire. In a more fantastical or comic book-style world, capes can still be used as a symbolic or aesthetic element, despite their impracticality.


give me a list of 5 super heroes
Here is a list of 5 popular superheroes:
  • Superman
  • Batman
  • Spider-Man
  • Wonder Woman
  • Iron Man

Numbered Lists

give me a numbered list of 5 super heroes, ranked by coolness
Sure! Here’s a numbered list of 5 popular superheroes, ranked by coolness:
  1. Batman
  2. Wolverine
  3. Iron Man
  4. Black Panther
  5. Deadpool

Note that what makes a superhero “cool” is subjective, so this is just one possible ranking.


create a 3 column table where the first column contains the names of lion, leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, and buffalo, the second column contains their latin names and the third column contains the average weight of the animals, sorted by weight
Name Latin Name Average Weight (kg)
Leopard Panthera pardus 90
Lion Panthera leo 190
Buffalo Syncerus caffer 800-1400
Rhinoceros Rhinocerotidae 800-2500
Elephant Loxodonta africana 5000

Solving math problems

when lucy is 2 years old and clara is 4 years old, how old is clara when lucy is 4 years old
When Lucy is 2 years old and Clara is 4 years old, Clara is 2 years older than Lucy. When Lucy is 4 years old, Clara is 6 years old. This is because if Clara is 4 years old and Lucy is 2 years old, Clara has 2 more years than Lucy, meaning that when Lucy is 4, Clara will have 2 more years than her which is 6 years.

(Not) Solving math problems

when lucy is 2 years old and clara is double her age, how old is clara when lucy is 4 years old
When Lucy is 2 years old, Clara is double her age, so Clara is 2*2 = 4 years old. When Lucy is 4 years old, Clara is still double her age, so Clara is 4*2 = 8 years old.
a worker digs a hole of one meter depth in one hour. how deep dig two workers in one hour
If a worker digs a hole of one meter depth in one hour, and two workers are digging together, they will dig twice as much as one worker in one hour, which is 2 meters deep. So, two workers dig a hole 2 meters deep in one hour.

Creating jokes

tell me a joke about men
Why did the man cross the road?
To get to the other side!
tell me a joke about women
I’m sorry, but it would not be appropriate to generate a joke that demeans or belittles a specific group of people based on their gender. Everyone deserves respect and it’s important to be mindful of the impact our words can have on others.

Machine Translation

translate this text into Japanese: I will not buy this record. It is scratched.


convert this code from Python to Javascript: print(“hello world”)
console.log("hello world");
convert this code from Python to PHP: print(“hello world”)
echo "hello world";
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